


Just got this sad news passed along to me... Keiko Fukuda, the first woman ever awarded the rank of 10th Dan in judo, and the last surviving student of Jigoro Kano -- the founder of judo -- passed away over the weekend in San Francisco. She was 99. Here's the announcement of her passing from USA Judo:

Keiko Fukuda, the first woman awarded the rank of 10th dan in judo, passed away yesterday in San Francisco. She was 99.

"This is a dream come true," Fukuda said in the summer of 2011, shortly after she was awarded judo's highest rank by USA Judo, the national governing body for the Olympic sport in the United States.

Fukuda's first reaction was "total surprise," according to her caretaker, Shelley Fernandez, interviewed at the time. Then came a sense of great pride, "especially knowing that this promotion would help women's judo," Fukuda told Fernandez.

The last surviving student of the founder of judo, Jigoro Kano, Fukuda had separated from tradition as a young woman, choosing to train in judo under Kano rather than marry.

Fukuda eventually followed Kano's wish that she and other students teach judo around the world. She came to the United States to do just that in 1966. She became a leader in women's rights by example and voice, forcing away the ceiling that had prevented her from ascending in rank sooner.
Fukuda is the subject of a recent documentary, Mrs. Judo: Be Strong, Be Gentle, Be Beautiful. Watch the trailer here. In life and in death, she was badass. Rest in peace, Fukuda Sensei.


Nam Tae Hi

Nam Tae Hi
Rhee Ki Ha

Born in Seoul, South Korea in March 1929, Great Grandmaster Nam Tae Hi met General Choi on Cheju Island in 1953 and later joined the 29th Infantry Division of the South Korean military forces. Great Grandmaster Nam Tae Hi, then a captain in rank, was a senior member of the demonstration team which gave the seminal performance in 1954 before South Korean President Seung Man Rhee which led to the presidential decree that the martial art (then not yet known as Taekwon-Do) be a mandatory part of training for the military. Great Grandmaster Nam Tae Hi then co-founded with General Choi Hong HI the Oh Do Kwan, the training gym for the military where he had the role of Chief Instructor. At the Chung Do Kwan (training gym for civilians), GGM Nam Tae Hi taught Jhoon Rhee, recognized in the United States as the "Father of Taekwon-Do," when Jhoon Rhee was a first degree black belt. Great Grandmaster Nam Tae Hi served as one of the earliest ambassadors of Taewkon-do when in March 1959 he traveled to Vietnam and Taiwan as member of the first Korean demonstration team to travel outside of Korea. In December 1962, GGM Nam Tae Hi was assigned as Chief Instructor for the Vietnamese Army. In Vietnam, GGM Nam Tae Hi is known as the "Father of Taekwon-Do." He developed the patterns known as Hwa-Rang, Choong-Moo, and UI-Ji. GGM Nam Tae Hi served as vice-president of the International Taekwon-Do Federation and president of the Asian Taekwon-Do Federation. Great Grandmaster Nam Tae Hi moved to Chicago in 1972, opened a dojang in 1973, and taught Taekwon-Do for twenty years. He now calls Los Angeles home where he lives with his wife.

Grand Master Nam Tae Hi began his martial arts training in 1946. Every day after school he would go to the Dojang to train, not returning home until almost midnight. He did this 5 days a week. He trained in Tang Soo Do under Won Kuk lee at the Chung Do Kwan. His fellow students included Sun Duc Son, and Uhm Woon Kyu. After about two and one half years Nam Tae Hi reached the level of first degree Black Belt. Two of his junior students included the late Grandmaster Han Cha Kyo, and Grand Master Jhoon Rhee. In 1954 there was a military demonstration before the President of South Korea, Syng Man Rhee. This demonstration included Artillery, other weaponry and martial arts. Nam Tae Hi, now a second degree Black Belt, broke 13 roofing tiles using a downward punch. President Rhee was so impressed by this demonstration that he asked to see more after the planned program was over. Nam Tae Hi and Han Cha Kyo did not have any thing else arranged to do so they assembled materials and did a variety of different breaks. President Rhee even checked Nam Tae Hi’s hands to see if he was injured from performing the breaks. After the demonstration President Rhee ordered all military personnel to start training in this martial art. General Choi drafted instructors from a number of different Kwans to teach the soldiers. Nam Tae Hi was the person who peformed the patterns as General Choi created them. The General would suggest a move or two and after Nam Tae Hi performed them, the general would either accept the moves or offer changes. Nam Tae Hi himself contributed the patterns Hwa-Rang, Choong-Moo and Ul-Ji. He was often referred to as the General's right hand man. Without Nam Tae Hi's incredible performance at the demonstration for President Rhee, Taekwon-Do may not have had the opportunity to spread around the world as we have seen it do.
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3 Methods for Learning Martial Arts Techniques More Efficiently

3 Methods for Learning Martial Arts Techniques More Efficiently

3 Methods for Learning Martial Arts More Efficiently“Practice makes perfect”, or so we were led to believe when we were growing up. “If you do something 10,000 times, you’ll be a master,” is another similar saying. But this isn’t the whole story. That’s why my Sensei always said, “Practice does NOT make perfect; perfect practice makes perfect. Practice makes permanent.” In other words, if you practice a thing 10,000 times wrongly you’ll have only mastered doing that thing wrong, sealing the incorrect method into your muscle memory.
This is why it’s important to train your body to do a physical skill like a martial arts technique correctly as quickly as possible so that all your practice serves to reinforce that method, rather than reinforcing a method that is incorrect or inefficient, even if it feels more natural to you. There are methods of correcting technique to get yourself on track more quickly an efficiently, three of which I will outline in this article.
When You Make a Mistake, Over-Compensate
If you make a mistake, the worst thing you can do immediately after is to repeat exactly the same mistake. Doing this reinforces the incorrect method. most people will aim to do correct the mistake by aiming for the perfect method, but more times than not, it leads to making the same mistake but to a lesser extreme. This is better than exact repetition of the error, but it will tend to take more repetitions of aiming for perfection to make the necessary incremental adjustments to achieve it. This is because our bodies tend to want to default to the methods that feel natural to our bodies even if we know they are wrong in our minds.
To correct for this more efficiently, you’re better off over-compensating incorrectly to the opposite extreme. If you’re keeping your guard too low when you spar, bring them up to a position that’s too high on your next attempt. If your aim of a punch to solar plexus is landing too far to the right, aim to land too far to the left. Over-compensating to the opposite extreme will train your body to work outside what feels natural,  helping it to correct more quickly and efficiently to the median of accurate placement.
To Learn Faster, Go Slower
When training at higher speeds, as we tend to want to do in the martial arts, it’s harder for you to detect your own errors. Your brain doesn’t have time to perceive the mistakes, whether it’s what’s you see or the way it feels in your body. When you practice a technique slowly, you’ll more easily notice incorrect hand position when doing a wrist lock or foot work when doing a takedown. This is one of the reasons why I encourage students to practice new or problematic techniques slowly without power, so they can be more aware of any errors and self-correct as necessary. Sometimes we’ll even use super-slow motion training for even higher levels if awareness. This can be great for times when you’re really struggling with a technique. Here is a blog post I wrote related to the topic of reducing speed when doing martial arts training.
Focus on a Strong Start and Finish
Sometimes slow motion training is impractical, like when you’re working on throws, jumping kicks, flying arm bars, etc. In these situations, you can instead focus on having a strong beginning position and ending position.
For a shoulder throw, you enter the throw with your feet shoulder-width apart, hips well below those of your training partner with your arms breaking their balance from their shoulder straight forward. Once your partner’s heels are lifted you can then follow through with the rest of the movement of the throw. A strong finishing position should be on balance with feet firmly in place with the body coming upright as your training partner hits the ground right in front of you. If their breakfall is on form, their legs should be pointing away from you. If your ending position is a little off the mark, correct it after the fact to train your body to be where you want it to be. By training a strong start and finish for any technique, the steps in between are more likely to correct themselves on the move in order to connect the mental dots you have established in your mind and body.
Combining Learning Methods
Sometimes I’ll run a class specifically focusing on one of the above approaches to learning depending on what my students are working on. But you don’t need an instructor to specifically direct you to use these methods in your training. I encourage my students to use these methods based on their own training needs. If they can learn to be their own teacher to some degree, thanks to sound training methods, they won’t always need to wait for an instructor’s attention to get the corrections they need. Of course, these methods won’t solve every problem and you still need an instructor’s expertise and objective eye to make subtle improvements and catch subtle errors, as you become better at what you do.
If you’d like to read more about these concepts, check out chapter 7 of Dan Millman’s Body Mind Mastery: Creating Success in Sport and Life.
Do you or your instructor have other ways of helping learn skills more efficiently? Please feel free to share them in the comments.


Master Alexandris Taekwon-do ITF 8 dan, Ground Kicks


There are a selection of kicks that can be used from the ground. . Many of the kicking techniques can be added to rolls and breakfalls... for the situation of going down and having to defend yourself when you don't have the opportunity to get back to your feet for whatever reason. Master Alexandris Taekwon-do ITF 8 dan, shows few of them